Friday, June 09, 2006

Microscope photograph of folic acid

Back in 2001, Michael W. Davidson and The Florida State University granted permission to showcase their exquisite photos of vitamins and foodstuffs taken with a microscope.

The design of the website is being updated, and there may not be a proper area to highlight these wonderful photographs. Therefore, from time to time we'll be posting a photo or two here at

Pictured is folic acid.

Folic Acid (folacin)

  • U.S. RDA: 0.2 mg., 0.4 mg., 0.8 mg.
  • Solubility: Water
  • Food Sources: Root vegetables, tuna, milk and milk products, organ meats, oysters, salmon, leafy green vegetables, brewer's yeast, whole grains
  • Deficiency Symptoms: Gastrointestinal disorders, B-12 deficiency, anemia, retarded growth, graying hair
  • Importance: Necessary for growth and division of cells; formation of red blood cells; reproduction and growth; good for glands and liver
  • Inhibits Absorption: Stress, alcohol, coffee, tobacco
  • Enhances Absorption: Pantothenic acid, C, B-12, B-complex, biotin

Order Folic Acid from

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